These are some real life examples of animal communication success stories. Names and images of clients have been changed to protect privacy, but each one of these accounts is a true story.

Beata Szablowska Beata Szablowska


Something is bothering Karl. He won’t look over his shoulder without flinching and has been hanging on his families every movement. He’s even lost his appetite. Unheard of! This is not what you would expect from the 145 lb. Alpha Rotti…

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Beata Szablowska Beata Szablowska


As well as being a husband, father, horseman and all round animal lover, Mark is also a falconer. Tara is his beloved bird and friend – they are a unique and wonderful partnership…

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Beata Szablowska Beata Szablowska


“Ask him why he’s such an asshole!” Huh??! That was the question posed to me when I visited a very blunt but gifted and accomplished horsewoman named Janice…

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Beata Szablowska Beata Szablowska


When Michelle called me, she had a feeling that there was something else wrong with Stewart’s persistant but inconsistent limp in his front right leg. If it was arthritis, it wasn’t consistent despite several visits…

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Beata Szablowska Beata Szablowska


Anna is a bit of a workaholic and very fastidious. She loves her young tabbycat Lola, but is very upset about a certain habit of hers. Even the vet seems a bit stumped as everything else about Lola is purrfect…

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Beata Szablowska Beata Szablowska


Trina has always been an outsider. Her keepers and her vet at the zoo are often concerned for her safety and her health. She tells me that she is at the bottom of her herd pecking order…

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Beata Szablowska Beata Szablowska


Bubba has never been any trouble. Recently however, he has started to snap and bite the hands that feed and love him - and anyone else who may dare to get close…

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